Home Solution Sets
We’ll deliver an integrated home energy system designed to accomplish your carbon zero energy goals, as defined by the Australian Government in their Guide to Environmentally Sustainable Homes.
We help guide you on a green energy transition, but you don’t need to do it all at once. Our systems are designed to integrate, making it easy to add to or upgrade over time.
Energy Efficient
Energy Efficient homes include an energy efficient thermal shell with reduced energy consumption through the configuration of electronic products. Over a year energy use is less than conventional homes
Carbon Zero
Carbon Zero homes emit no net carbon dioxide during their lifetime. The home's energy use from carbon emitting sources is equal to the amount of renewable energy it produces.
Carbon Positive
Carbon Positive homes produce more renewable energy than they use, exporting excess to the grid. Over a year they produce more renewable energy on site than the home requires and feed that excess back into the grid.
A whole-of-home energy design solution
Achieve a warmer, drier, cooler and more energy efficient home through a combination of solar with innovative heat pump hot water, air conditioning and heating and energy efficient appliances, all through one provider. We'll deliver an integrated home energy solution design to accomplish your Energy Efficient, Carbon Zero or Carbon Positive energy goals.
Our in-house design support co-ordinates designs across categories, ensuring systems work together.
- 1. Solar PV panels |
- 2. Battery storage |
- 3. Back to the grid |
- 4. Solar monitoring |
- 5. Heat pump water heater |
- 6. Air conditioning & heating
- 1. Solar PV panels |
- 2. Solar inverter |
- 3. Battery storage |
- 4. Back to the grid |
- 5. EV Charging |
- 6. Heat pump water heater |
- 7. Solar monitoring |
- 8. Kitchen |
- 9. Air conditioning & heating |
- 10. Laundry